Guady Baron


Ren. Nosang Muringla Limboo, author of "The Flying Pearls of Sikkim Himalaya". 
A Picture Guide book on the butterflies of Sikkim cum President of Sikkim Ornithological Society 
and Green Ambassador of Sikkim declared: "Guady Baron will be in Sikkim for the first time in 
2016 Sonam Wangchuk Lepcha from Dzongu - North Sikkim recorded." 


I am glad that "Guady Baron Butterfly" there are no records of it being photographed 
earlier from Sikkim which makes me the first person to photograph and document it through 
Good News, Sikkim magazine will no less than scientific journal for a beginner like me. 
Thank you -Ren Nosang Muringla- for your guidance and support.

Sonam Wangchuk Lepcha
(SOS Member)


Dzongu butterflies

Indian Tortoiseshell

Butterfly videos

Presentation Dzongu Butterflies

Dzongu - The land of butterflies.

Lingchi Chu
