
Dzongu in the north district of Sikkim, although small in terms of area hold special historical and cultural signifi cultural significance for the indigenous Lepchas. Lepchas are the original inhabitant of Sikkim, Mayel-lyang. Dzongu is one of the beautiful geographical locales in north Sikkim and is encompassed by high mountains, hills, valleys and rivers owing to which it boasts of rich flora and fauna. Such regions prove to be suitable for hosting butterflies and it is primarily because of this that there are numerous fascinating species found here in Dzongu.

I believe that in future, places like Dzongu can prove to be important geographical habitats for promoting
conservation and protection measures for various butterfly species. It will be equally potent to build awareness
about these precious habitants with the help of eco-tourism and by means of informative guided tours for nature
enthusiasts that are aimed at sharing and broadening the knowledge base about the species. Before such plans are
implemented, it is equally vital that proper measures and stringent laws are in place to curb any illegal practices, such as
trapping of butterflies, as such incidents have occurred in the past. Focus should be maintained for conservation policie.

I understand that everyone is responsible for preserving the environment 
and government departments like Forest Environment and Wildlife Management, 
Biodiversity Management Committee, Joint Forest Management Committee, can play
pivotal roles in coordinating special conservation policies to safeguard the biodiversity
of Dzongu. This, I have no doubt, will be beneficial for everyone, man or beast.
Let us make it our individual aim to serve and protect our ecosystems for the children of tomorro.


Dzongu butterflies

Indian Tortoiseshell

Butterfly videos

Presentation Dzongu Butterflies

Guady Baron

Dzongu - The land of butterflies.

Lingchi Chu