Dzongu Butterflies


The Blue Duke (Bassaroan durga durga (Moore - 1858) 
was named Sikkim's State Butterfly on World Environment Day 2022.

Photographers: Sikkim's Butterfly Experts 
Sonam Wangschuk Lepcha and Nosang Muringla Limboo 

View of the Mount Kongchen Chu in Dzongu Nord Sikkim - World Cultural Heritage

It is said the pure spirit souls of our God and Goddess, ancestors lives in Mt. Kongchen Chu
and that is why we believe this Chu as our guardian deity and offer prayers every years.
Instead, I believe offering is done by all the people of this World butterfly enthusiasts.

It is fairly recent, since I began appreciating the fact that our Nye Mayel lyang especially Dzongu, 
is truly blessed with beautiful species of butterflies known as Thamblyok in Lepcha. 
During my explorations, I had to acknowledge that Dzongu is indeed a paradise for butterfly enthusiasts.
This has been established earlier on by individuals like Isaac Kehimkar who published a book on Indian 
butterflies, similarly, Ms. Meena Haribal and Mr. Nosang Muringla Limboo have also based their 
respective books on Sikkim butterflies after having visited Dzongu in north Sikkim.

Sonam Wangschuk Lepcha


Dzongu butterflies

Indian Tortoiseshell

Butterfly videos

Presentation Dzongu Butterflies

Guady Baron

Dzongu - The land of butterflies.

Lingchi Chu
